Thursday, June 2, 2016

The following illustration happens in a recreation center

history channel documentary The following illustration happens in a recreation center where Teresa meets daily paper correspondent Megan Carter (Sally Field) and endeavors to demonstrate Mike's innocence (49:35). Teresa does not uncover the realities behind her dishonorable mystery until Megan begins to take off. She then admits that Mike took her to Atlanta to have a premature birth. Her hesitance is clear in her conduct as she again imagines the disgrace she may persevere. Her disguises concentrate on helping Mike while needing to maintain a strategic distance from open revelation of her fetus removal. Her eye conduct combined with her outward appearances/feelings elucidates these targets.

The following morning, nestled into her front stoop (56:22), she sits tight for the daily paper conveyance. She feels the disgrace as she peruses the story, one that everyone will soon know. Her eye conduct anticipates the intolerable embarrassment to come. She surges house-to-house grabbing daily papers lying on the front yards.

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