Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A large portion of us do take an interest, and numerous don't

history channel documentary science A large portion of us do take an interest, and numerous don't. There are the individuals who get the endowment of salvation, and after that go about their every day lives for all intents and purposes the same as some time recently. Their idea of the Kingdom of God includes going to Heaven when they bite the dust, and very little else. Aside from Sunday morning church and maybe less capable of being heard cussing, their lives are little affected by the new birth.

There are other people who, having found that they have a Father in Heaven, appear to invest all their energy approaching the Father for stuff. "I need a mending! I need another auto! I need another employment! I need a raise!" And endlessly. These are less the offspring of God as little children of God. They are less in the Kingdom of God as in the nursery of God. They like the possibility of a God who addresses their issues, however they dismiss the thought that He may make an interest on them, aside from, say, the Ten Commandments.

A few of us, and I incorporate myself here, who have been a piece of the "Word and Faith" era, have grabbed hold of God's Word, and found that God truly wants to favor us with the yearnings of our souls. We have built up a somewhat more complex relationship than the little children have; that is, we supplicate, we contemplate the Scriptures, we bolster the service fiscally. But then, it appears that our endeavors are all inspired by the longing for material endowments. To put it plainly, we have done our dead level best to carry on like ruined rich children.

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