Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hang coasting and paragliding in El Cuchillo

history channel documentary 2016 Top arriving in Mala can be somewhat precarious as the wind current is not exceptionally laminar. On your arrival approach the wind velocity can drop when you get beneath around 5 meters from landing. A few pilots commit the enormous error of pushing out when the velocity drop and they out of the blue appear to accelerate. This is a major error as you will slow down. The best strategy is to come in with somewhat additional pace so that when you hit the twist sheer despite everything you have enough speed to continue flying. On the off chance that you choose to top area you will at present need to convey every one of you pack back over the damn. The other choice is the base arrival territory. This is a much less demanding landing choice. The field is huge and there is a wind sock. The range has simple auto access.

Paragliders in Mala have no genuine issues top arriving as the lightweight flyer stays in the quicker cleaner air the distance to the pilot being on the ground. Simply keep an eye out for the wind speeding up.After the edge run site Mala is effortlessly the following most well known flying site in Lanzarote. The thermals can be truly decent with a lot of crosscountry choices.

El Cuchillo works with a NNE wind to NE wind. It is a little edge situated on the west drift close Tinajo. To discover this site you should get to the town of El Cuchillo then do somewhat go dirt road romping driving. There are two set up territories. This site can be extremely thermic and rough. The site has some awesome crosscountry alternatives. One pilot took off from here and arrived in Fuerteventura.

You take off here and fly over the edge in edge left until you locate a pleasant warm. You're thermalling abilities will come in extremely convenient here. One warm can without much of a stretch take you to cloudbase and off and a long and energizing crosscountry flight.The El Cuchillo edge delivers a solid rotor. On the off chance that you choose to arrive behind the edge ensure you go well back. Most pilots contemplating arriving behind the edge ensure they have no less than 100 meters of tallness over take off before coasting back to the arrival range. This is normally showcase by a little decoration and is around one kilometer behind take off. Base arriving at El Cuchillo is not an issue and there is a lot of room just dont go too far out in front as the agriculturists fields soon start.

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